
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Embarrassing Old Project I: Diorama, Eldar and Hunter Slayers

Dirty laundry, the nasty old embarrassing projects from the past, badly painted minis and horrible conversions. Here's my confession for the week.

This was un-earthed while moving recently. A diorama of two Eldar meeting some Hunter Slayers in a space-hulkesque hallway. I don't know how old I was when this was made but I do claim responsibility, it's awful! But I can imagine having a lot of fun making it.

Golden oldies like these are informative as they help gauge the leaps in skill that we sometimes forget (or do not even sense).

The Eldar without helmet must have had a sword of some kind in that fist (long gone). Both have had Rogue Trader plastic marine shoulder pads added (why I don't know).

The Hunter Slayer on the wall has an Eldar arm replacing a shaved-off metal one (perhaps to pose it differently?). Here they come!!!

The Hunter Slayers came from a blister, old catalogs state they were designed by renowned Michael Perry. These guys I will yank out, strip and restore. The anarchy graffiti makes me think that Necromunda was more the setting in mind...

"Looks like somebody bagged one of Ripley's bad guys"
courtesy a hot glue-gun tip

The plates of styrene on the floor aren't even cut straight! It was as though I didn't know what a ruler was...
There's a hole drilled through the wood to accommodate an LED light (never put in).
And that is a cassette reel glued to the back wall.

"Cleanup on level 463-A"

A little Marine accessory on the wall there, and the vertical pipe next to the door: a piece of spaghetti.

Thanks for the memories: To be dismantled

A neat project would be to remake the thing, done all proper with details and all maxed out like something on Coolmini... or maybe I'll just take the trash out and go to sleep...

Anybody want the Eldar? I may have some additional plastic arms as well. Let me know.


  1. You shouldn't dismantle that... you should shadowbox it and save it!

    It's nothing to be embarrassed about!

    1. Thanks! If it was too embarrassing I wouldn't share it, I've got a few old ghastly items to share as I dig through more boxes. But space is precious, and those Hunter Slayers truly deserve better paint!

  2. I think it looks pretty cool too. Maybe not quite up to White Dwarf standards but the cassette reel is an awesome touch! Maybe you could ebay the thing ... one the one hand it would be interesting to see what kind of price it fetches, and worst case scenario someone will get it super cheap and scavenge the minis for their purposes, which would at least meet your desire to get them repainted.

  3. Looks like a lot of fun really cool, its good to look back through what you've done

  4. Hiya, I know it's been ages since you posted this, but I'd be interested in the eldar bits, if you still have them! :)

    1. Chris: write me at gholascale at gmail dot com and we can arrange something. Cheers!
